Glenroy Specialist School Relocation
Relocation of Glenroy Specialist School: Budget $18,340,000.
The relocation of Glenroy Specialist School, was completed in 2012. GSS is one of the largest Specialist Schools in Victoria for children with severe and multiple disabilities.
The new school comprises 26 Classrooms (with adjoining toilet facilities) in three sub-schools, Administration area, Multi-Purpose Hall, Occupational and Physiotherapy areas, Sensory Rooms, Art Room, Music Room, IT facilities, Hydrotherapy Pool and related change rooms. Common spaces in each sub-school provide classroom break-out space and activity space for larger groups of students.
An $850,000 BER P21 Project was proposed at the time plans were developed, but the grant was added to the project budget and the BER project incorporated into the overall design of the new facility.